Background Removal Service vs Manual Editing – A Comprehensive Comparison

by Delwar Hussain / Last Update: September 16, 2023 Background Removal Service vs Manual Editing – A Comprehensive Comparison

Background Removal Service refers to the automated removal of an image’s background using software or other tools. Utilizing specialized algorithms, the background is identified and replaced with a transparent or solid color.

Manual Editing, on the other hand, is the process of manually editing an image with tools such as the clone stamp, lasso, and brush tool. In manual editing, the editor makes adjustments to the image, such as removing the background, by manually selecting and editing particular image components.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between Background Removal Services and Manual Editing. The blog will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and assist readers in making an informed decision between the two.

In recent years, Background Removal Service has gained popularity as a solution for removing backgrounds from images due to its speed, efficiency, and affordability. Manual editing, on the other hand, offers a greater degree of customization and a more personal touch.

This blog will provide a thorough comparison of these two methods, assessing their speed, cost, accuracy, and adaptability. At the conclusion of this blog, you will have a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each method, making it easier for you to select the most suitable option for your needs.


In-Depth Understanding of The Services (Background Removal & Manual Editing)

Background Removal Service

What is Background Removal Service

Background Removal Service is an automated method for removing an image’s background using software or other tools. Utilizing specialized algorithms, the background is identified and replaced with a transparent or solid color. This solution is ideal for individuals and businesses who need to efficiently remove backgrounds from a large number of images.

How does Background Removal Service work

Background Removal Service identifies the background of an image and separates it from the foreground using specialized algorithms. The software then substitutes a transparent or solid color for the background. This process can be completed in a matter of seconds, making it a quick and effective method for removing image backgrounds.

Advantages of Background Removal Service

Speed: Speed is one of the greatest advantages of Background Removal Services. The process of removing backgrounds from images is completed in a matter of seconds, making it a quick and effective solution for individuals and businesses that need to edit a large number of images.

Consistency: Consistency is another benefit of Background Removal Service. The software uses specialized algorithms to eliminate image backgrounds, resulting in consistent results every time.

Efficiency: Background Removal Service is also an efficient solution because it requires minimal user input. The majority of the work is performed by the software, making it a time-saving solution for both individuals and businesses.

Cost-effectiveness: Background Removal Service is a cost-effective method for removing images’ backgrounds because it requires minimal user input. This makes it a cost-effective option for individuals and businesses with numerous images to edit.

Limitations of Background Removal Service

Limited customizability: Background Removal Service provides limited customization options, which is one of its drawbacks. The software uses a set of algorithms to remove images’ backgrounds, which can produce subpar results if the image is complex or contains intricate details.

Dependence on technology: Background Removal Service is dependent on technology, and its performance is directly affected by the software’s features and quality.

Risk of errors: Background Removal Service is also prone to errors, as the software may misidentify the background and remove the incorrect portions of the image. This may necessitate manual editing in order to produce a satisfactory result.

Manual Editing

What is Manual Editing?

Manual Editing is the process of manually editing an image with tools such as the clone stamplasso, and brush tool. In manual editing, the editor makes adjustments to the image, such as removing the background, by manually selecting and editing particular image components. This solution is ideal for individuals and businesses that require a high level of image editing customization and precision.

How does Manual Editing work

Manual Editing entails modifying an image with image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. Using tools like the clone stamp, lasso, and brush tool, the editor selects and removes the image’s background. The editor then replaces the background with a transparent or solid color. The manual editing process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive because the editor must carefully select and edit each image component.

Advantages of Manual Editing

Customizability: Customization is one of the greatest advantages of Manual Editing. The editor has complete control over the image, allowing for a high degree of precision and customization in the final product.

Personal Touch: Manual Editing also provides a personal touch, as the editor can adjust the image according to his or her own creativity and sense of style.

Precision:Manual Editing is a precise method for removing backgrounds from images, as the editor can select and edit each image element individually.

Flexibility: Manual Editing is also versatile, as the editor can make any necessary adjustments to the image. This makes it possible to obtain the desired result for even the most intricate or complex images.

Limitations of Manual Editing

Time-consuming: One of the limitations of Manual Editing is that it can be time-consuming. The process of removing backgrounds from images by hand can take several hours, making it a time-consuming solution for individuals and businesses with a large number of images to edit.

Labor-intensive: Manual Editing is also labor-intensive, as the editor must carefully select and edit each part of the image.

Costly: Manual Editing can be costly, as it requires the use of image editing software and the services of a skilled editor.

Dependence on the skill level of the editor: The quality of the final result of Manual Editing is also dependent on the skill level of the editor. A less skilled editor may result in a subpar result, requiring additional time and effort to fix.

Background Removal Service Vs Manual Editing | The Comparison

Speed and Efficiency

Background Removal Service clearly outperforms manual editing in terms of speed and effectiveness. Background Removal Service uses sophisticated algorithms to automatically remove an image’s background, making it a significantly faster alternative to manual editing. This solution is ideal for businesses and individuals with a large number of images to edit, as it can process multiple images simultaneously, saving time and effort.

Manual editing, on the other hand, is a time-consuming and labor-intensive solution because the editor must carefully select and edit each image component.


Background Removal Service is a more economical option than manual editing in terms of cost. Background Removal Service is a subscription-based service that charges a fee for its software and algorithms. This makes it a more cost-effective solution for individuals and businesses that need to edit a large number of images.

Manual editing, on the other hand, necessitates image editing software and the services of a skilled editor, making it a more expensive option.


In terms of accuracy, manual editing clearly outperforms Background Removal Service. In manual editing, the editor has total control over the image, allowing for a high degree of precision and customizability in the final product.

In contrast, Background Removal Service uses algorithms to remove the background automatically, which can result in errors. Background Removal Service has improved significantly in terms of precision, but it is still inferior to manual editing in terms of accuracy.


In terms of adaptability, manual editing is clearly superior. The editor has complete control over the image, allowing for a high degree of precision and customization in the final product.

Background Removal Service, on the other hand, uses algorithms to automatically remove the background, resulting in limited customization options. Background Removal Services customizability has improved significantly, but it still lags behind manual editing in terms of flexibility.

Dependence on Technology and Skill Level

Background Removal Service and manual editing each have their own individual requirements. Background Removal Service relies on technology, as it uses algorithms to remove the background automatically. The final product’s quality is also dependent on the software and algorithms employed.

Manual editing, on the other hand, depends on the skill level of the editor. The quality of the final product will depend on the editor’s ability to manipulate the image and remove the background precisely. This means that manual editing can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it also offers greater control over the final product, which is why it is frequently preferred by professional photographers and graphic designers whose work requires a high level of precision.


In this article, we contrasted Background Removal Service vs Manual Editing and analyzed their benefits and drawbacks. Background Removal Service is a faster and more cost-effective solution for editing a large number of images for individuals and businesses.

Manual editing, on the other hand, offers greater precision and customization, but is time-consuming and labor-intensive, making it a more expensive option.

Both Background Removal Service and manual editing have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two will ultimately depend on the individual or business’s particular needs and requirements. 

Background Removal Service is the optimal solution for those who need to efficiently and quickly remove backgrounds from a large number of images. For those who require greater precision and customization, manual editing is preferable.

When deciding between Background Removal Service and manual editing, the following factors must be considered:

  • The number of photographs to be edited
  • The desired level of accuracy and adaptability
  • Budget constraints
  • Time constraints

It is likely that Background Removal Service will continue to improve in terms of precision and customization as technology advances. 

Manual editing, on the other hand, will always be a valuable option for image editors who require greater control and precision. 

Ultimately, the future of these two solutions will depend on the preferences and requirements of the individual or business. Background Removal Service and manual editing will continue to play significant roles in the world of photo editing, regardless of the chosen solution.

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Article by
Delwar Hussain
Image Processing Expert, Photography Enthusiast, Blogger, COO at Cutting Edger

Over 18 years of experience in Graphic Design, Image Editing, 3D Modeling/Rendering and Digital Products, I have got opportunity to work with different local and multi-national companies, among of them GraphicPeople, Modern Herbal Group and British Broad Casting (BBC) can be highlighted. During my career I have worked with Coca-Cola, Turkish Airlines, Singapore British American Tobacco, Dell, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals,, International Hotel Group (IHG), Santander Bank, Quad Inc. Adidas, Nike, Dove etc. Having 18 years of experience and being a Co-Founder and COO of Cutting Edger is providing Post Production Image Editing, 3D Modeling and Rendering, Desktop Publishing and Digital Products like Web Design and Development, Software Development, etc.
