Why Buyers Pushed Away Due to Poor Quality Images on Your E-Commerce Website

by Imam Hossain / Last Update: September 15, 2023 Why Buyers Pushed Away Due to Poor Quality Images on Your E-Commerce Website

While hearing the word e-commerce business what first pop up in mind is that – does your business put proper value in images for your E-Commerce store? Being human we people photographic mind or can say visual creatures. Even different research and statistics already documented that, we remember 65% more information if we saw an image along with it. Being an e-commerce store owner it is essential for your website having an eye catching and prominent images of your products. Since through website customers are buying your products and this is why they are unable to touch your product.

This is why we have to invite them with eccentric and fanciful images to get them to reach the checkout. For this we must have to keep in mind that, there are a few crucial items when selecting photos for your website because – Your business brand will get hurt and customers will push away due to poor quality of images on your website. For this there is well said by “Jeff Bezos” that – ‘If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful’.

So here are some guidelines planned to benefit you choose excellent images for your E-Commerce site, which will eventually drive engagement and sales.

Photograph your products

If we compared the present scenario with ten years ago picture then the nervousness of buying products online is gradually decreasing. Different research like – The U.S Department of Commerce after surveying find out that increasing of 4.8% in sales from the beginning of 2017, and the online giants like – Amazon have continued to dominate the market. The most important part in e-commerce business is Building Trust with your customers, and for that one the best way is to include images with your products. Buyers will able to extend images and can see the every details and quality of the products you are selling only if you take high-quality photos.

For this photographers have to take to take pictures from various angles so that all sides of products can easily be shown and seen by buyers. You have to demonstrate photos of your product are in use or being worn. Provide buyers all photos they could possibly want to see of a product, so that they can clearly see what they are actually getting. Being e-commerce business owner you must take time and invest in promoting your products with quality images because, seeing the products can give your buyers the extra little push they need to click for ‘add to cart’.

You must take time to invest in high-quality images and most importantly update them on regular basis. Thus you customers know for sure that, what kind of products you are selling, and will feel assured in knowing that what they are buying from you. Older photos have a poorer pixel quality which will not look attractive on your site, and do nothing to showcase the wonderful products you have in your stock. That is why, if you have been using the same images of your products for the last five to ten years then you must update them for your business brand.

Know when to outsource

Photograph is always consider is an art, so you just cannot compare an amateur random photos clicking by your mobile camera with a high-resolution photos taken with a professional or DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera. Investing in a nice DSLR or professional camera will pay for itself. You will need to keep taking high-quality photos, whenever you added new and more products in you site. For that you can higher professional photographer but it will cost you more and, whenever you need to update photos either every month or every week or whenever new product arrive, dropping a thousand dollars or more can hurt your profit margins.

As we have so many e-commerce clients that are why for our clients benefit, we deliberately generated a solution with our monthly support agreements. So, we wanted to offer our clients a possible option to have photographs taken every month of their products and update them on their site on regular basis. By clicking photos of your products through your mobile camera or smartphone camera you are underselling your product if you skimp on quality. Only to save few bucks by using underwhelming photos just harms your sales, as selling products is the base of your business.

Detecting the right solution for your E-Commerce store

You still need to consider how your images need to be placed on your website to achieve the best effect, as well as being SEO (search engines can crawl) friendly, Once you take some professional images of your products for your website. That is why At Cutting Edger, we are familiar with the role that images play within a website and how to best utilize images on websites. Our professional skilled design team takes all of the above information into account throughout the design and editing process to ensure quality and effective image use.

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Article by
Delwar Hussain
Image Processing Expert, Photography Enthusiast, Blogger, COO at Cutting Edger

Over 18 years of experience in Graphic Design, Image Editing, 3D Modeling/Rendering and Digital Products, I have got opportunity to work with different local and multi-national companies, among of them GraphicPeople, Modern Herbal Group and British Broad Casting (BBC) can be highlighted. During my career I have worked with Coca-Cola, Turkish Airlines, Singapore British American Tobacco, Dell, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Indeed.com, International Hotel Group (IHG), Santander Bank, Quad Inc. Adidas, Nike, Dove etc. Having 18 years of experience and being a Co-Founder and COO of Cutting Edger is providing Post Production Image Editing, 3D Modeling and Rendering, Desktop Publishing and Digital Products like Web Design and Development, Software Development, etc.
