Mistakes You Should Avoid While Photo Editing

by Delwar Hussain / Last Update: September 16, 2023 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Photo Editing

As we all know that “Photography helps people to see” said by ‘Berenice Abbott’. We believe in this that is why we put emphasize on the need for quality photo editing services on our clients product shots. Images in your e-commerce site will look more eye catching, professional, sparkling and attractive to your target consumers. It is just perfect and spot on, as by now obviously you have gone on a spree around for the services of skilled professional image processing companies who can understand your business need.

Even it is possible that, you may have shortlisted a few professional companies with whom you can possibly work. You go through their sample works on their sites and also tried their free trial editing services for your product photos. Now it is time to take a look at common image editing mistakes which will aware you to screen edited photographs under a new light for your products.

What Are the Important Rule to Follow

For this you must have to remember the most important rule here, which is the subject in an image, must not look unnatural rather have to look stunning. Excess editing of the image may kill natural look. Audiences are very smart that is why you have to keep it in mind that, if your audience feels repulsed by the excess editing and over the top processing means, ultimately you have lost important points. Except from looking unnatural excess editing can also cause blurry lines and color contrasts that may gloomy the photos. New rule for editing is, the less it is the more attractive it is. Over sharpening the image rather make it look worse.

Complications like these must be dealt with while shooting in the first place rather not while editing. Proper settings on the equipment or on the camera can easily avoid out of focus pictures. That is why ‘John Berger’ once said that, “What makes photograph a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time”. Disaster is being an editor if you crop the image too much. Editors must discuss with the clients before starting editing regards – how they want to use the picture, what sort of color contrast they want, how much crop they want and etc.

Sometimes editors do not use the layer and action techniques properly and it makes the photos look like unprofessional. Editors need to have lots of practice if they want to have top quality of photos by applying professional layering techniques. For this we have to rely on experienced editors to make magic with their experienced craft. The editors must have to understand – curves, how to layer, how to crop and create the contrast within the photo without creating a mismatch of overlapped shadows and blurred shades while adjusting colors and shadows. By controlling the contrast can make the photos more pop.

It has been seen that with excessive contrast however make blacks and white seem too extreme. Details of the photos easily get lost either in shadow or in the highlights. Editors who are new to photo editing programs, most of the time will either ignore the details of the photos or overdo the fascinating features. Background has to be kept clear and sharp. It is always been tricky in mastering editing whenever; it comes to have the fade in effect with a surreal background and the object. Remove bad background can also be removed too.

In most cases it is difficult to remove multifarious background efficiently and switch it with another one but most cases it is obvious that light and shadows simply do not fit. We may think that for skilled professional editors it is easy to remove such background but, sometimes it is tough for them to remove the background and make the photo look as it should. But is obvious that it simply needs too much – time, effort and skills.

Wrong color selection can make the photo look fragile because it will seem like – color contrast is blurred, color is unbearable and outline seems unnaturally sharp. While drawing the attention to the subject in the image editors try selective coloring, which runs the risk of making it look messy rather make it more attractive. While doing this the item that was expected may fall flat. Also with coloring, editors must have to keep it in mind that, all color transformation may not be good not be good for the photos, like – transforming brown color to black and white makes muddy grey picture. We have to remember that the less it is, the more eye catching and natural it would be.

Excessive editing or color contrasting can make the model look like a person from the future, also over whitening teeth make the smile look fake rather natural. In most cases while trying to achieve the perfect skin tone on the models editors make the skin look like resembles plastic but we have to remember that, the plastic Barbie doll look is something that became unpopular long ago.

The Common Mistakes done by Editors

It is obvious that, after editing once the clients get the photos, they will undoubtedly upload them on their e-commerce website, Facebook page, InstagramLinkedIn page, Twitter handle, Pinterest page and etc. that is why it is always important to save the photos in web friendly format after editing. There are many editors who forget to save a backup copy of the originals, when it is very easy to do it. The common mistake that is done by editors is – when they are over excited regards the new apps and features. Before applying the new features while editing, editors must have to understand or practice those features properly before add in them in photos.

Otherwise it will be hassle for the editors to fix the simplest issues if they do not know how those new features will help them in editing. Such as – when an editor first starts working in Adobe Photoshop or Light-room or Illustrators or in other tools, ideal features or buttons or options can be discovered easily. Even the editors who are most skillful even sometimes he/she will always find something cool to learn. The professional editors always have to keep in mind that – the main key is to carry on learning and practice.

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Article by
Delwar Hussain
Image Processing Expert, Photography Enthusiast, Blogger, COO at Cutting Edger

Over 18 years of experience in Graphic Design, Image Editing, 3D Modeling/Rendering and Digital Products, I have got opportunity to work with different local and multi-national companies, among of them GraphicPeople, Modern Herbal Group and British Broad Casting (BBC) can be highlighted. During my career I have worked with Coca-Cola, Turkish Airlines, Singapore British American Tobacco, Dell, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Indeed.com, International Hotel Group (IHG), Santander Bank, Quad Inc. Adidas, Nike, Dove etc. Having 18 years of experience and being a Co-Founder and COO of Cutting Edger is providing Post Production Image Editing, 3D Modeling and Rendering, Desktop Publishing and Digital Products like Web Design and Development, Software Development, etc.
