Photo Retouching Studio | How To Choose The Right Studio?

by Delwar Hussain / Last Update: September 16, 2023 Photo Retouching Studio | How To Choose The Right Studio?

Business development depends on taking the right decision at the right time. While you are finding a vendor for your company, you get several options or many kinds of portfolios. But before dealing with a vendor finally, you should go through some sorting process. In this article, we are discussing some sorting processes along with business behavior rules. Those rules and processes are inspired by the book “Vendor Selection Process: A Complete Guide – 2019 Edition” written by Gerardus Blokdyk. [Book Link: Amazon Kindle]. World’s most successful book for selecting a vendor for any business. Follow the article for a short summary especially for image editing companies to choose the right photo retouching studio. This will help you to reach the next level of growth in your company.

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Why Should You Edit Your Photos?

Digital Identity

Digital photos are the main identity of this technological revolutionary era. Smart businesses, universities, organizations, and institutions all are web-based to maintain their operational execution. Images are the primary elements to represent web pages. That’s why you need to give precious attention to image editing for representing professionalism.

Screen Ratio

While you are using images on websites and online social media platforms, your audience will be different kinds of people who are using several types of digital screens. Every digital screen has a unique aspect ratio. You need to edit your image with a suitable free of aspect ratio mode that will fit all kinds of digital screens.

Increase Conversion Rate

Are you a business owner and can’t find a way to increase conversion rate of your potential customers? Just simply edit your image that will be your strong primary strategy to convert your potential customers.

Influence Buying Decision

Ecommerce business owners need to influence visitors to purchase their products. Images are the initial influencer that trigger visitors buying decisions. So image editing with an exceptional photo retouching studio is the primary responsibility for an ecommerce store owner.


Your organizational brand image depends on how you represent your first impression. Websites are the first impression for this present digital era. That’s why you should have to edit your images to represent your website with professionalism. Professional photographers sometimes couldn’t capture the real color of the product or nature because of light exposure. To do color correction you need an expert high-end photo retouching service.

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What Qualities to Consider Before Choosing a Photo Retouching Studio?

Experience and Skill Level of Retouching Artists

Experience is everything, an expert person who has enough experience he/she can make the right decision in the right place. High-end photo retouching service is a high-demand service for fashion, jewelry, electronics, car, etc industries. So you will find many small or inexperienced new agencies who work with image retouching. But you have to find an agency with highly experienced and professionalism because retouching is a complex task in the image editing industry.

Quality of Work and Portfolio

Every smart agency has its own portfolio to showcase its previous experiences. You should ask them to provide you with a portfolio and studio profile. While they are going to send you a portfolio, you will ask them to send the raw images with the edited image. That will help you to compare image quality after editing. You can also check their social media posts to check their activities. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and most precious check their LinkedIn page to see more portfolios. Those cross-check will help you to make the right decision for dealing with a long-term signing paper.

Turnaround Time and Availability

Images are the primary necessity for your business in this digital era. In-time delivery is highly important before choosing a photo retouching studio. The best photo retouching service provider always maintains a responsive and effective turnaround time. Cutting Edger, the best image editing company that always ensures effective communication with the best turnaround time.

Communication and Customer Service

Every business needs to maintain a good customer relationship management (CRM) system with a well enough communication channel. Every cause has an opposite effect. If a business has good CRM and communication, users will give positive feedback about their features. You need to consider those factors before choosing a photo retouching studio.

Pricing and value for the cost

How much do retouchers cost? You should have some ideas for making a deal with the right studio. You need to make your business profitable to build a sustainable organization. Before selecting any vendor for photo retouching service you need to give an eye on cost. If cost vs effectiveness is well enough then you will deal with the photo retouching studio.

Flexibility and Willingness to Work With Specific Requests or Needs

Works need a flexible place for redesign, reformatting, remaking, and revising your project. If you need an adjustment with specific tools. Studio should have willingness to work on your special requirements. Every large company has flexibility to take different kinds of work requirements. You should ask to confirm the project flexibility and willingness to work revised.

Technology are Used by studio

This is the smart technological era, you need the best technology to operate your business smoothly. That’s why, you should verify the technology that any agency uses to provide you services. Like what types of Screen they used, because different digital screens show different types of color and aspect ratio. Do they use their own server for image stores? Do they have an automation system for receiving and delivering images? What kind of server do they use? Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom is the most used software for editing photos. Before signing a long term deal you should have to know about the technology they used to operate their studio.

How to choose a photo retouching studio?

How to Choose the Right Photo Retouching Studio?

Research and compare different studios

Business is all about research. While you stop researching new things for your business, the growth of business will slow down from that day. Research some photo retouching studios and compare selective ones from other agencies. It’s not necessary to compare all the factors from each agency. You can compare two or three factors to make a decision of choosing. Comparison and research is an obvious channel to sort out the right company for your business.

Ask for references or testimonials

Smart agencies have their own strategy to maintain relationships with their clients. They send thanks giving letters every year and take testimonials from their clients. You can ask them to show you some reference and testimonial from a previous client. Testimonial is verified feedback from a client. That will help you to know the authentication of their works.

Test their skills with a small project before committing to a larger project

Before dealing with final steps you should have to follow up with test work. You will give them a bulk amount of work after a test. So it’s your right to take a test drive before taking a valuable business decision and making a long term deal. That benefits both ends to make a better understanding.

Consider the final output and quality

After checking the test work you have to make a final decision about their work and dealing with the agency. You can also ask some previous client final output of the image if they have no privacy issue. If the final output and quality goes along with your satisfactory level. Then you can deal with the agency for a long term business relationship.

Read reviews and ask for feedback

Before doing anything, reviews reading and feedback checking is a current trend in this digital era. Every specialist and expert gives their opinion on their field. If you search anything on the internet you will definitely find something to make a right decision for your business. That’s why review reading and feedback checking is very important before considering a right photo retouching studio.


Considering a photo retouching studio for your business smooth operation is a tough work, hope that is clear now from above discussion. An expert and well enough photo retouching agency is essential for your ecommerce business.

We recommend Cutting Edger as a photo retouching agency, with 15+ years of experience in the image editing industry. They are a post – production service provider and will give you a one stop image editing complete package with other necessary services for your ecommerce business. Like Shadow creation, reflection of product, invisible mannequin, etc. These services will grab more attraction from your audience and give you a high conversion rate for your website.

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Article by
Delwar Hussain
Image Processing Expert, Photography Enthusiast, Blogger, COO at Cutting Edger

Over 18 years of experience in Graphic Design, Image Editing, 3D Modeling/Rendering and Digital Products, I have got opportunity to work with different local and multi-national companies, among of them GraphicPeople, Modern Herbal Group and British Broad Casting (BBC) can be highlighted. During my career I have worked with Coca-Cola, Turkish Airlines, Singapore British American Tobacco, Dell, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals,, International Hotel Group (IHG), Santander Bank, Quad Inc. Adidas, Nike, Dove etc. Having 18 years of experience and being a Co-Founder and COO of Cutting Edger is providing Post Production Image Editing, 3D Modeling and Rendering, Desktop Publishing and Digital Products like Web Design and Development, Software Development, etc.
